7 Curiosities About the Most Famous Music Videos

Thriller: 7 Curiosities About Michael Jackson’s Most Famous Music Video

Michael Jackson's Thriller music video cover Released in 1983, Michael Jackson’s Thriller is one of the most iconic music videos of all time. Here are some interesting facts about the making of the video:

  • The Video Almost Wasn’t Made: Michael Jackson had to convince the executives at his record label to fund the project. They agreed to finance it after he agreed to reduce the length.
  • The Budget Was High for The Times: At a cost of $500,000, Thriller was one of the most expensive music videos made at the time.
  • Horror Film Director Helped Direct: To create a horror movie atmosphere, MJ enlisted John Landis, director of the hit movie “An American Werewolf in London.”
  • The Choreography Was Revolutionary: Michael worked with legendary choreographer Michael Peters to create moves that would become iconic in their own right.
  • The Video Wasn’t Always Shown on MTV: Despite being heavily associated with the channel, MTV initially refused to air the video because of concerns it was too scary. They eventually did, and the rest is history.
  • The Zombie Scene Took a Toll: The scene where zombies rise from the graveyard took multiple takes to get just right. The cast and crew had to endure long, cold nights to get it done.
  • It Spawned a Behind-the-Scenes Documentary: In addition to the video itself, fans were treated to “Making Michael Jackson’s Thriller,” which took a look at the filming process.

Bohemian Rhapsody: The Fascinating Story Behind Queen’s Most Iconic Music Video

Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody music video cover Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody is a music video that needs no introduction. But the story behind it is just as fascinating as the video itself. Here are a few highlights:

  • It Wasn’t the First Music Video: While it’s often cited as being one of the first music videos, it wasn’t actually the band’s first. They had made videos before, but none had been as successful.
  • The Video Was Shot in Just Four Hours: Despite its grandeur and scope, Bohemian Rhapsody was filmed in just four hours. The band members simply took turns singing and playing their parts while the camera rolled.
  • The Budget Was Very Low: The video was made on a shoestring budget, with much of the money going toward the cost of film. The band themselves had to bring in props from home to make the video look more interesting.
  • The Special Effects Were Groundbreaking: At the time, the special effects used in the video were groundbreaking. Interestingly, the band members didn’t think much of them – they were more concerned with playing their music well.
  • It Was Almost Never Made: The band’s label reportedly didn’t want to release the song as a single, which could have meant the video was never made.
  • It Was Re-Released After Freddie Mercury’s Death: Following the death of Freddie Mercury in 1991, a remastered version of the video was re-released in his memory. It became a chart-topping hit all over again.


These two iconic music videos have inspired countless fans and artists over the years. Their popularity not only shows no signs of waning, but it seems likely they will continue to inspire new generations of music lovers for years to come.

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